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najveća eksplozija drum 'n' bassa do sada

PitchWise Drum and Bday u zagrebačkom klubu Masters

PitchWise Drum and Bday
Stiglo je vrijeme za još jedan opasan dramendbejs tulum! 30. ožujka 2013. godine, u klubu Masters održat će se prvi PWP let ove godine - i to ne bilo kakav, nego rođendanski DNB let!

Čekali su pravi trenutak da se malo zaželite DNB-a i skakanja po BASStmosferi sa PWP crew-om.

Spojili su sve svoje rođendanske želje u jednu večer i bez pretjerivanja vam najavljuju najveću eksploziju drum `n` bassa do sada! Ovaj tulum mnoge stvari čine posebnim, pa ipak je rođendanski! Ponovno su uletjeli u najdraži nam club Masters, gdje je sound toliko dobar a bass toliko jak, da čak i tete u Krašu rade brže čokoladu!

Kao pilote su postavili Zlee-a, koji će vas svojim bassističnim vibracijama pripremiti na Tekitoku, koja nas uvijek oduševi brutalnim odabirom glazbe i savršenom vibrom koju šalje publici. Večer su začinili posebnim gostom iz New Yorka - King Kwa Zulu-om, kojemu ni jedan Mc na Balkanu nije ni do koljena!

Što vam drugo reći nego - Are you ready to party?! :D

Start: 23h - Upad: 10 / 20 kn + FREE RAKIJA SHOT

PitchWise Drum and Bday#DJ*s

|ZleeGhst| Zlee first encountered the mighty soundbooming provided by what he now considers to be the most sublime of all electronic music genres - Electro, while listening to a local radio station show named Elektrologija. Soon after he started spinning music using Electro as a foundation of his selection. After playing a few gigs at small clubs he became a member of Crobot crew and next took up to organizing an event of his own in asosiacion with N_ter through which they presented undisputed musical talents of Larry McCormick aka Exzakt,wich resulted in a series of event's named VOLTAGE, wich hosted acts like Exzakt, Bass junkie, Paul Blackford, DJ Mary and Crobot members as residents.

He also played at Crobot events hosting Anthony Rother, AUX88 and Boris Divider. After Crobot crew's fifth anniversary with Boris Divider in 2008 Zlee departed from Crobot crew and started his own Electro label Ghost Technology with his partner i:m and together they formed a group named UKV pushing the boundries of Croatian electro production also writng together for Croatian Urban bug magazine promoting Electro music.

|Tekitoka| Ova mlada dama spoznala je što znači `ljubav na prvi zvuk` kad je prvi put slučajno čula drum `n` bass. Znala je da ta glazba mora činiti sastavni dio njezina života. Prije otprilike četiri godine počinje eksperimentirati s produkcijom drum `n` bass-a, pri čemu razvija veliku ljubav i prema samom zvuku i njegovim beskonačnim mogućnostima transformacija, što ju trenutno dovodi do želje za produkcijom filmske glazbe.

Članica je LED kolektiva iz Karlovca s kojim prije nepunih godinu ostvaruje i svoj prvi nastup u Novom Marofu pod organizacijom Moving Udruge. Nedugo nakon, bilježi svirke na Dnb Sessionu, Jabbatonu, Dubmartu, Vubassu, Trip to Zionu, LED FEST-u .. Stilovi koje preferira su neurofunk i techstep.

|KingKwaZulu| We respect all planets as living entities in our Universe(s). If respect is not given to any planets, then the wrath of the Supreme Force will bring all types of Hell to your planet(s) The great manifested (YOU). All Gods of all religions lead up to the Supreme Force, You, The All. Although we are strong believers in the culture of Hip Hop, we realize that this is a real world, with real problems and real solutions that we mentally change.

We strive to do our best to uplift ourselves first, and then show fallen humanity how to uplift themselves and others mentally, spiritually, physically, economically and socially. We believe that racism and hate are trying to rule the lives of Human Beings on this Planet so - called Earth and that only belief in the Supreme One and truth will destroy this disease called racism and hate. Anchored in Brooklyn, New York studied in SDSU/UCSD/CERN and redirected to the people of the world with music!
Dodatne informacije:
ZGportal Zagreb: naslovna stranica
15. ožujka 2013. / zadnja izmjena: 20. prosinca 2015.
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